
The Performer

Abandoned by the Star performers of a Hannish Troupe and adopted by a caring but sickly woman in the harsh ghettos of the pearl lane. Streh spent his youth using the skills he learned traveling with his caravan to put food on the table for his ma and his 13 adopted brothers and sisters. Dancing and instruments were his first tries to feed his family, when making an honest living failed; the young lad took to thievery. Now, as a young adult he finds himself living two lives; a public one where he is masquerading as an exotic hannish performer and another where he is a career criminal willing to whatever will secure him the next big payday.

From Street Rat to Stage performer, from Stage performer to Bed-Warmer, From Bed-warmer to Madame. Streh has lead a storied life, and every single gil he's earned has finally amassed into something the Street-Rat can call his own; A bordello over looking the Pearl Lane. ' The Pillow House ' is an upscale slice of Hannish Heaven over looking the street he danced on in Ul'dahs Pearl lane. During the day, the place is a bar, filled with merriment and chatter. At night, it becomes a neutral zone for gangs and eorzeas elite alike. Strehs current goals and trials revolve around making enough gil to keep his business running, protecting his fledgling establishment and trying to keep him and his workers safe from the harsh ways of the gangs and wealthy people they service.

Quick hooks
Streh is good at thievery, Social skills and is a novice-combatant. For work he dances, smuggles, and runs a brothel that he uses for both laundering money as well as a neutral ground for various gangs. He is always looking for money making opportunities. He Functions as a quest giver Npc and will give other people jobs to complete. I typically Dm these one-shots and encounters for other players!

Quick Hooks
May I have this dance- Streh is a traveling entertainer, feel free to request songs, a dance some poetry or anything that you may desire. Feedback wether it be constructive, appreciative or rude is encouraged if you hear him playing or see him dancing.
Lets haggle- Streh is usually trying to peddle something off to someone. Maybe you'll snag a deal on some Fogweed or find a wonderful (totally not stolen) golden ring for a loved one at an affordable price!
Partners In Crime- Streh does 0% of the combat or heavy lifting on the jobs he goes on. If you want to be hired muscle while the miqo'te goes about completing whatever job he's been tasked with he'll be glad to split all the loot a 'generous' 70-30.
A Job to do- He might have work if you're interested. I typically DM mini-events for players who are intested! Never be shy to reach out and ask.

Quick personality
Streh is selfish, vain, superficially charming, entertaining, a bit of an adrenaline junkie, rational and personable. These traits often make him successful in his personal and work life but make him struggle with balancing his own personal freedoms with the needs of his family that depend on him. Streh suffers from a need for adrenaline , stimulation and excitement, when bored he is as likely to start singing as he is to start stealing, or pick a fight, party in copius amounts or spend money he shouldn't; he is addicted to every kind of thrill there is. He is an ' Honor among thieves' kind of guy and is unlikely to betray or backstab any of his cohorts, unless... the other offer is too good to resist. He has a soft spot for outcasts, social pariahs, the poor, children, prostitutes and people trapped in desperate situations.

Basic Info

Name: Streh Ah'miri
Race: Miqo'te
Nationality Thavnairian + Ala'mhigan?
Gender: Fluid
Pronouns: Any/All (He/him or She/Her are fine)
Sexuality: Bi/Pan [Player is gay]
Moral alignment:Neutral impure.
Birthplace: Radz-At-Han
Languages: Eorzean (Fluent)| Dalmascan (Conversational)| Thavnairian (Fluent)| Ala Mhigan (fluent)
Occupation: Performer|Merchant|Smuggler|Thief|


Eye-Color- Golden
Strehs' eyes are a bright, slightly glowing golden color. His eyes are a very practiced sort of welcoming. As though he's had practice at remaining non-threatening.

An obvious observation to say the least. Strehs hair LOOKS expensive because it is. He has well maintained locks of straight hair that are often styled to fit with his outfit.

Body Type
A fairly toned and lithe figure. At a glance he is frail and seems ill-suited for combat. His form does make him fairly light on his feet and agile.

Sun-kissed brown skin with red under tones. Strehs' skin is blemishless, clear and he's clean shaven. Closer inspection hints towards a rigorous hygiene routine.

Strehs' face is adorned in hand-drawn markings that denote him as some sort of devotee to Nald'Thal, the twin gods of trade. Each one seems to be drawn with care. perfectly balanced on each side.

Typically streh smells of some sort of expensive body oil mixed with a light fragrance of sweat. On days when he's not travelling he's likey to wear a cloying scent like honey, jasmine or peaches.


The goal here is to give others a general idea of what streh is talented in and capable of.
Streh was born and raised among a traveling band of musicians, Performers and Con-artists. Since he could walk he was trained in the performing arts. When dancing and singing wasn't enough to fill his belly he took to thievery and crime.
His skills reflect his backstory and traits. They often change overtime as he uses different parts of his skillset.


Highly skilledProficientTerrible
Performance ( Dance, Instruments, Stage Acting.) Stealth, Acrobatics, Disguise, lockpickKnowledge History, Knowledge Politics, Medical, Pickpocket, religion,Spell Casting, Knowledge arcane, Craft, swim, Technology.
Diplomacy, Deception, Insight, Barter, Appraise, SeductionPerception, Appraise, Sleight Of Hand, forgery, CombatClimbing, Medicine, Knowledge Nature, Survival, Animal Handling,


Streh is a lot more established in his Career as an adventurer. Through years of training and surviving through his many hare-brained schemes, he's gone from a novice to a journey-man. While not as skilled as the more combat capable mercenaries or well-trained warriors; Streh can still defend himself, if he needs to. I do RP Streh as a 'well-trained civilian' rather than a proper 'warrior'. His Goals in battle are to buff his allies and debuff his enemies. He's looking to survive an encounter not exactly win the battle. He will sometimes make poor decisions in battle, act rashly in the heat of the moment, i feel these traits make him more believable for his current skill level.
Past Arc
Streh came from very, VERY, humble beginings. He was a street rat, capable of entertaining and stealing but could barely lift a weapon, let alone swing one. If you're familiar with DND, he was basically a level 0 commoner unit.

Power levelin terms of rp battles I prefer to do/random/roll. I like to use the die to guide my combat but I am open to freely rping the fight or even plotting the entire battle out. I'm open to interacting with many different Rp styles and never mind adapting.So the way I play streh...
Strehs in combat skill set is a mix of powers and abilities he's earned via Rp.
He combines his practical skills like Stealing, and bluffing and incorporates those into combat via dirty tricks. While he may not be skilled in battle he is free from guilt and will use every cheap trick and foul tactic to get ahead. There is little he would'nt do to ensure he and his allies survival.
Below you will find the various video game inspirations that i've cobbled together to make strehs ' class ' if you're familiar with Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy tactics then his capabilities should make sense.

Combat inspirations. Fire Emblem
Dancer- A defensless support unit that aids its allies by giving them extra turns in battle.
Thief- A Melee unit that has poor combat prowess but can open locks and chests that can open the battlefield in opportunistic ways.
Archer- A ranged unit that has the advantage of long range but has limited capacity to defend itself in melee.
Final fantasy
Dancer/Bard- Support units that buff allies with song and dance.
TimeMage/Green Mage- Provides allies with offensive and defensive buffs. They have limited to no capacity to heal allies.
Thief/Juggler- Debuffers that steal enemies items, generate gil for the party and attack their enemies from afar.


Throwing knives
Has used them several times in performances. His aim has been steadily improving.

Dancing Scarf
A supportive tool, can be used to disarm, trip and move opponents. Does little to no actual damage. The style is beautiful.

Uses Chakrams in melee. His fight style looks more suited for a stage than a battlefield

A supportive tool used to buff allies. Has few practical combat applications apart from providing support.

DND Stats
These Stats give an approximation of strehs abilities and are in no way required to be used in RP situations.

  • Strength: 7 (-2)Weak

  • Constitution: 9 (-1)Fragile

  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)Nimble

  • Wisdom: 12 (+1)Intuitive

  • Intelligence: 14 (+2)Bright

  • Charisma 16 (+3)Likeable

The Hooks

Quick Hooks
May I have this dance- Streh is a traveling entertainer, feel free to request songs, a dance some poetry or anything that you may desire. Feedback wether it be constructive, appreciative or rude is encouraged if you hear him playing or see him dancing.
Lets haggle- Streh is usually trying to peddle something off to someone. Maybe you'll snag a deal on some Fogweed or find a wonderful (totally not stolen) golden ring for a loved one at an affordable price!
Partners In Crime- Streh does 0% of the combat or heavy lifting on the jobs he goes on. If you want to be hired muscle while the miqo'te goes about completing whatever job he's been tasked with he'll be glad to split all the loot a 'generous' 70-30.
A Job to do- He might have work if you're interested. I typically DM mini-events for players who are intested! Never be shy to reach out and ask.
Literally just talk to him- His entire job is being nosy and in peoples business, he'll likely hear you out, even if it's just to chew the fat.

contracts and quests

Common hook: If you're wanting a payday and don't care where the gil comes from, this is the hook for you.

Streh is well known in Ul'dah as a middleman and a reliable source of pay, but he lacks the talent for violence some of his peers possess. He often outsources violence, fighting and heavy lifting to other adventurers more suited to the task. He's got work if you've got the stomach for it. ranging from criminal work, official immortal flames contracts, poaching, stealing, bounty hunting, smuggling and everything in between. He might ask your character to rough up someone who owes him some gil. He might ask your Character to help him clear out a dungeon.I often DM events for players using a very simple and easy to pick up system I've written. If you're interested do feel free to reach out <3

Traveling Performer

Common hook: this is an easy hook to use if you're looking for a casual conversation or to connect with another artsy type

Streh is a performer, It's how he makes a majority of his income. He enjoys reconnecting people to their homeland and helping lift spirits through song and dance. If you see him out and about, feel free to request a song or dance! He's not one to turn down praise from an admirer or a fan, especially if gil or perhaps a free meal is involved.

  • Feel Free to request a bard song, Streh will gladly perform.

  • If you're another performer looking to connect with performers please DM me.

  • Are you an adventurer? Do you want to feel really REALLY important? Then hire this bard to follow you around and sing your praises!

  • Streh is hireable as a chornicler, he'll write up a poem, song or short story about whatever adventure you take him on and perform it for you.

Smuggling and other crimes

Armed with a silver tongue, a well maintained image and several forged documents, streh is able to pull the wool over most guards eyes. Should you need someone to smuggle something under the guards noses, look no further. Streh also considers himself a bit of a talent scout, if you happen to find yourself looking for work, streh has plenty.Typically down for pickpocketing, tomb raiding, dungeon delving and robberies. Streh won't take any jobs that involve killing a human or sentient entity, however, he is down to profit from such situations and isn't above paying for such services. Don't expect Streh to pick up any of the weight in a fight, he is untrained in combat and would be more of a liabilty than a boon in battle. Strehs along to handle the stealth, break-ins and lockpicking. You're here to do all the heavy lifting including the Miqo'tes luggage.

  • Streh is often in need of muscle and guards. If that's you then feel free to ask for work.

Eyes and Ears

This crafty catte You might be amazed by what secrets the emotionally vulnerable will spill for a drop of 'genuine' affection.An entertainer is certainly an odd choice as an informant but streh has a finger on the pulse of Ul'dah. If something significant is going on, he likely knows, at least in passing. Although his sway in city states outside of Ul'dah may be mild; The miqo'te proves time and time again to be well connected and resourceful when his connections fall through. These connections, secrets and information could all be yours for a small fee.

  • Unless I was there firsthand for the event you'd like information on; you're gonna have to fill me in OOC on what you need to hear ICly.

  • Streh often has work for adventurers, if you need connections to labor strehs got some.

  • If you need someone to help you swindle, keep you from being swindled or swindle you if that's your thing, you've come to the right place.

Streh is a merchant at heart and always looking to trade for something. He loves a good deal and a handful of gil. His wares don't stop at dubious 'magical implements' he's also got a suite of narcotics, stolen weaponry, guard uniforms, classified information and is willing to part with any/all of it for the right person and at the right price.

  • For information trading, be sure to discuss with me oocly what exactly you need your character to know. I am not a mind-reader and neither is streh despite whatever he's told anyone in the market that day.

  • Streh sells most of the drugs commonly found around eorzea as well as some interesting custom drugs.

  • Many of the items he sells have an actual practical use, it's always a fun time trying to work using gear he sells you into an rp scene.


Streh services mild to wild, he's a real adventurous freak that will try almost anything once and most things twice so long as the Gil is good enough.Streh is genderfluid and can be as soft and feminine or as toned and masculine as you like.Disclaimers: Will not be doing anything remotely sexual with lalafell or underage persons IC or OOC. I am not Streh Streh is not me, Lets not blend anything there. I will shut that shit down quickly.

I'm a talented writer and will be glad to chat about scenes, kinks and whatever else you might want to get into. There is a sample of my writing at the bottom of this page, for your perusal. Rp post will be coming back at a later point in time. For now! Have my F-list link

As With all of lifes finest luxuries a night with the Miqo'te will cost you.200-300k Per hour

Writing Sample 18+

Last chance to look away 18+

no really there's ERP stuff down there 18+

You've been warned! 18+

Whorish RP Post will be coming back soon 18+

RP Summaries

This Tab functions as both a gallery and almost like an IC scrapbook. It features a lot of images and summaries from RP I've done with Streh! If you're thinking of Rping with me, this is a good overview of the writing style, themes and charcter arcs I enjoy.

Tale of Two Dancers